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two co-workers sitting at desk with laptop

Overcoming Price Objection Across the Sales Journey

Featuring Joe Rickard and Bob Ross of Intellective Solutions

Each year, Intellective Solutions polls their clients to identify the most challenging objections facing graphic communication providers. The result? Price objection, by a long shot.

While price objections are a given, they don’t necessarily have to be a “no.” In fact, they can be leveraged to communicate the true value of your services rather than simply reducing them to their cost.

Joe Rickard and Bob Ross of Intellective Solutions will discuss:

  • WHAT really drives price objections and why customers express them

  • HOW franchisees often lose to price objection without even knowing it

  • WHEN to bring price into the conversation

  • HOW to thoughtfully respond to price objections

  • WHY offering a discount isn’t the best way to solve price objections

With so many profit-boosting print trends on the horizon, it’s time to turn price objections into sales opportunities. Register and get a FREE Xerox water bottle.

Headshot of Joe Rickard

Joe Rickard

Headshot of Bob Ross

Bob Ross

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