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A face mask being made out of a printer filter on a sewing machine

A propos de Xerox

When the call went out at Xerox to think about new ways to use materials on hand to help the coronavirus humanitarian effort, Mark Adiletta, long-time Xerox engineering manager, had a crazy thought: What if we use printer filters to make medical-grade fac


26 mai 2021

Gold stars

A propos de Xerox

Fort d’une tradition d'innovation qui contribue à rendre notre monde plus durable, Xerox est honoré de recevoir le prix du partenaire ENERGY STAR® 2022.


2 mai 2021

A row of employees at a long desk. The closest woman is sorting papers.

A propos de Xerox

Xerox, North America Channels Leader, Karl Boissonneault has been honored by the CRN editorial staff to receive the 2024 Channel Chief Award for outstanding leadership.


2 mai 2021

Woman at a long shared desk, sorting papers

A propos de Xerox

CRN has recognized Xerox women for its prestigious Women of the Channel, honoring influential leaders.


2 mai 2021

View from the ground to the top of several skyscrapers, with clouds above

A propos de Xerox

We ranked #3 in the Computers category, scoring high in innovation, social responsibility, and more.


2 mai 2021

Half gallon bottle of hand sanitizer

A propos de Xerox

As the first bottles of hand sanitizer rolled off a Xerox production line in Ontario and Webster, N.Y., more than a dozen employees—wearing protective gear and employing social distancing—were on hand in both locations to celebrate a feat of applied mater


2 mai 2021

Woman at a long shared desk, sorting papers

A propos de Xerox

Xerox Vice President of Global Partner Marketing Amy Belcher has been chosen by the CRN editorial staff to receive the 2020 Channel Chief Award.


2 mai 2021

Two colleagues doing a fist bump

A propos de Xerox

We align our reputation with our brand through providing authentic, ethical and valuable initiatives.


2 mai 2021

Co-workers working together at a jumble of desks

A propos de Xerox

Top marks distinguish the Xerox Global Partner Program in The Channel Company’s 2024 Partner Program Guide


2 mai 2021